
I graduate in May. Here are some jobs that I’d like:

  • Doing soundtracks for movies. Not composing music, just spotting ideal music for songs. I have a whole playlist of songs that are crying out to be part of the soundtrack to a movie. I even resisted the urge to put every Moby song I own into the list. Also, Radiohead’s “Motion Picture Soundtrack” isn’t on the list.
  • Sports photographer. I’d like to go a Sox game some time, and I love taking pictures of things. So I’d basically be getting paid to do something I’d do anyway. And they’d provide me with the equipment. (I hope… Good lenses don’t come cheap.) Maybe just a photojournalist. I already have the press pass. 😉
  • Corporate CEO. It’s unclear where to submit my resume for this position. Maybe they’ll come to me when I get my degree?
  • Doing the soundtrack for Guitar Hero IV or whatever. I already have a list of songs that would be good.
  • President of the United States. No one’s political ideology is as closely aligned with my own as mine. I
  • President of my college. $750K/year. I’ve never even seen ours. I’d do it for half the pay and be twice as visible. And I’d fix the things that need fixing.
  • Police chief on-campus. We’re not solving an awful lot of crimes.

If I Controlled the News…

Things I care 0% about:

  • Norman Miller: No offense to his fans, but I’ve never even heard of him. It’s sad that another human is dead, sure, but if we don’t care when the 997th child of the day dies from malaria, why do we care that Normal Miller died?
  • The TV guild strikes. I don’t watch much TV. The Daily Show is funny… But if Jon Stewart is really funny, he should write his own stuff. Same for The Office. I can just not watch the TV shows. I usually don’t anyway.
  • The Harry Potter lexicon (?) being delayed.
  • Whether or not Michael Jackson will retain ownership of Neverland ranch.
  • Statistics about daylight savings time.

News that I care about >5% that seems to have received <5% of the news’ attention:

Stolen Ideas, II

Hammacher Schlemmer has a second idea that’s eerily similar to something I’ve had in mind.

Granted, mine would be an order of magnitude (or two) more expensive, have a cell modem for enormous range, solar panels to aid it in flying for a long time, and an ultra-high res camera with a long zoom lens… 640×480 is pretty much a gimmick, especially when you can only store 26 of them. And a 7-minute battery life is gimmicky too. I want a high-quality lens and 8 good megapixels. And a 4GB flash drive or something.

Oh, and GPS. And WiFi. I want to be able to, on the computer, map out a path for it to fly over, and automatically ‘return home.) Granted, you’re far, far from the $200 price at that point. But it’s also seriously cool at that price.

vim tricks

If you’re cool like me, you spend a decent amount of time in vi editing files. Despite all the fancy IDEs and the like, nothing beats uploading your PHP script to the webserver and editing in place. I don’t profess to be a vi expert. I’m far from it, in fact. But for those that are like me–comfortable working in it but far from being a master–here are a few tips:

  • Typing “G” (in command mode, but not as a : command!) takes you to the last line of the file.
  • ma, where a is a letter a-z, sets a as a ‘mark’. You can then issue commands reflecting that mark. For example, I wanted to delete about 500 lines from a file. But I didn’t know how many lines there were, so “500dd” wasn’t a viable option. In my case, I marked the last line I wanted to delete with a, went up to the first line I wanted to delete, and then typed d’a to delete from the current line to mark a. Note that, as you’re doing this, there’s no indication of it.
  • . (a single period) runs the last command again. Handy way more often than I’d expect!
  • :wq is probably the most well-known command. But ZZ (not :ZZ) is easier and does the same thing!

This is a handy reference, by the way. So isn’t the O’Reilly book, but you can’t Google your way through that.

Dual Successes

We’ve spent weeks preparing for a group presentation in one of my classes. And tonight it all came down to the wire. We were all really nervous, and frankly, I thought we did pretty badly. But the professor’s a down-to-earth guy, so after class one of my members mentioned, “We did so bad!” or something to that effect. And he glanced around to make sure the other groups that went weren’t around, and told us, “I can honestly tell you that your group’s presentation made my night.” And that made my night.

And then when I was upgrading Apache I screwed up and deleted the vhost configuration files. And it’s one of those things I never understood… I tried recreating them but they never behaved in a way that made any sense at all. I’d load them and get errors that made no sense, or the server would just act in strange ways. I finally got it to the point where the blogs worked, even though nothing else did, so I left it. While there are nice GUI tools for Apache, they’re not much good on a headless server. (And no sane person runs X remotely on a server, since it’s a needless waste of CPU and running VNC would make it even worse.)

I just spent some time reading up on vhost configuration, and just got it right… I had the syntax all wrong the first time along, to the point that I’m surprised the server was coming up at all. I think I’m actually going to put together a static page on how to properly set up vhosts, because in my searches for help I found a lot of people with similar problems.


Tonight I interviewed a sergeant with the campus police department. He’s starting a community policing division, and some of what he had to say was neat. When he first started doing it years ago, his supervisors thought he was slacking off. He’d spend hours in the residence halls, chatting with students. At first, he told me, students were suspicious. Why were the police asking them about the football game? What were the police really there for? Soon, they got to realize that there was no hidden motive. His job was to patrol the campus and keep a presence in the dorms, and, as long as he was doing that, he figured he might as well make sure people knew his name and that people knew he wasn’t out to get them.

After a while, his supervisors realized that the officer that seemed to waste his shifts chatting with students was one of their top officers. He was solving crimes no one else could, until soon there really weren’t many crimes for him to solve. The crime in the buildings he patrolled dropped sharply. And the reason, he told me, is pretty simple: people knew he was there all the time, so they thought twice about doing anything stupid. And when people observed someone else doing something that affected them, they felt comfortable reporting it to him, whereas they might not want to call the police ordinarily.

But this reminds me a lot of the “Broken Windows Theory.” For those not familiar, some researchers somewhere watched an abandoned building for a while. Nothing much happened. One day, the researchers smashed out one of the windows, and kept watch. In a matter of days, people smashed in all the other windows. The reason put forward is that, when people see things in disrepair or decay, they don’t see as much of a problem with making the problem worse. As a very minute example, consider a trashcan in the bathroom. Would you ever throw your paper towel on the floor? If you’re the least bit civilized, no, it’d never cross your mind. But what if the trashcan was overflowing? You could probably fit your paper towel in. But you just throw it on the floor, partially because you have no choice and partially because you’re dismayed at the level of disrepair. And extrapolate that feeling to the people who would go around committing more egregious acts. I think it’s the exact same thought process.

At work, I probably drove the maintenance people nuts. I considered it a complete disaster if a light in the bathroom was out for more than a day, for example. There were nine bulbs in each bathroom, but a single flickering bulb is all it takes to make the bathroom seem like a run-down place. Pretty soon, I’d tell my coworkers, we’d have graffiti and people breaking the mirrors. We never did find out if I was right, because we never let the chance present itself. (I won’t lie: OCD was another factor that I insisted that burned-out bulbs be replaced ASAP.)

Sometimes we’d be insanely busy. And it felt like the building would be nice and clean for hours and hours, and all of a sudden, the floors were a mess. People would drop crumbs, and, as long as there were crumbs on the floor, why bother picking up the napkin you dropped? And when the people at the next table saw napkins on the floor, why should they bother picking up the plate they dropped? And when the kids a few tables down finished their soda and knocked the bottle over, why not leave it on the floor?

As Malcolm Gladwell would say, there’s a tipping point. Things would be nice and clean for hours on end, until all of a sudden there’s a subconscious signal that it’s no longer necessary to be tidy. And I’m not sure how many of my coworkers understood it on a scientific level, but I think most them intuitively got it. Even though we were really busy, we’d try to find an employee who could spare 15 minutes to go around and pick up. Not only did this have the positive effect of solving the “broken windows” problem, but I think it even went the other way: they saw that, not only were the windows not broken, but we were actively addressing the issue. And every once in a while, you’d get someone who would pick up the trash under their table when you got near them. You’d basically reversed the problem.

Our toilet in our dorm room was getting really gross. In addition to the predictable filth, the top of the toilet had become really dusty, and there were probably about five cardboard rolls from finished-off rolls of toilet paper. The other day, I couldn’t take it any more, so I cleaned the toilet bowl and the seat. I didn’t really have the energy to do the whole thing, so only half the toilet got cleaned. There was still considerable room for improvement, but you were no longer afraid to use it.
Today, our toilet is sparkling clean. I don’t know who did it. I never asked anyone to, and I didn’t do it. But I take partial credit. I think I sent a subconscious signal by cleaning half the toilet. All of a sudden, the other part of the toilet was thrown into contrast, and the message was sent that we don’t like our things to be filthy. Someone else picked up on that, and finished the job. And I think the toilet’s going to stay clean for a while.

And now that I’ve talked about sending subconscious messages with my toilet, I think it’s time I acknowledged that I’m up way too late and went to bed.

Tech Tricks

Here are a few low-tech computer tricks I’ve started doing lately:

  • I’ll periodically bump the wrong keys and find keyboard shortcuts that I didn’t know existed for sending an e-mail mid-sentence. It’s one thing when you’re e-mailing a friend ramblings about cheese (they may even be glad the e-mail got cut short?), but when you start e-mailing important people, it becomes a bigger deal. The last thing you want to do is e-mail the chief of police and say, “I’m working on an article and I’d like to mee”… The simple ‘fix’ is to not let your e-mail program dictate how you compose a message. The “To:” line comes first. Do it last, so you can’t mess up.
  • When attaching files, do it before you write the e-mail. I can’t believe how often people (myself very much included) send e-mails referring to attachments, but forget to add the attachment. If you can get in the habit of making attaching the file first, it’s a lot harder to mess up.
  • When downloading things from the Internet, always, always, always click “Save” instead of “Open.” I tend to do Open instead, because it seems like a needless step to save it to the Desktop and then open it. But in the past week I’ve lost two files because I click “Open” on a draft someone sends me. I spend a long time revising it, and hit Save every minute or so. But it gets saved to a temp directory that’s virtually impossible to find. Today I spent considerable time poking around the directories, and found that what’s stored is VERY limited. If you’ve visited any sites after you last saved the file, it’s practically assured that your file is 100% gone, because the cache will get purged. As I’ve said before, I’d consider this a fatal design flaw, and I can’t believe more people don’t have problems with this. So always, always, always save to your Desktop and then open. And, if you’re working on a file and about to close, don’t close it unless you’re positive you know where the file is being saved.

All of these are things that take some time getting used to. But I think they’re like, say, using a PDA: you have to commit to doing it 100%, or it’s utterly useless. If your calendar doesn’t contain everything you’re doing, it’s worse than having no calendar at all. I need to work on automatically clicking that “Save” box when downloading a file, and I need to work on re-ordering, into a non-intuitive way, the way I write e-mails. But if I can get the habit down right, the first time, in mid-sentence, I get an error that I can’t send an e-mail with no recipient named, it’s paid off. And the first time I don’t lose an hour’s worth of revisions and additions, it’s paid off.

Wireless Networking

I’m yet to see an OS get wireless networking right. I’ve now worked pretty extensively with configuring and fixing wireless network configurations on XP (SP2) and Linux (Ubuntu). And frankly, both are disappointing. A few comments…

  • (Linux) I can see three wireless networks. Why am I connected to none of them, even after clicking on one of them?
  • (Both) I have a good connection, and all of a sudden, I have no network connection. I spent fifteen minutes fiddling and it still won’t come back. Windows includes a “Repair” function, and I’ve seen lots of people use it. I have never had it do anything, nor have I have ever seen it work for someone. I’m fairly certain it’s an inside joke at Microsoft or something.
  • (Both) You reboot and the wireless usually comes back up just fine. What the heck is going on? Why, with all the amazing developers working on both platforms, has no one ever figured a way to just bring the network down and back up? (Actually, you could argue that both OSs provide this — Linux lets you disable it and re-enable it, and Windows lets you “Repair” it. And yet neither of them works.)
  • (Windows) Why, when you can’t connect, do you give me a fake IP? There’s some bizarre netblock that Windows users get put on when they don’t actually have a network connection. What gives?

You’d think that WiFi was some technology that had only been out for a few months… But there have been years to get it right. Why has no one ever made it work right?

First-Impression Reviews

Flock Web Browser:

Wow! It’s replaced Firefox on both Windows and Linux for me. (And it runs on OS X, too.) It’s actually built on Firefox, so I’ve got all my favorite extensions added in. I’m not going to do it the injustice of trying to describe it. Download it and spend five minutes with it. You’ll thank yourself.

Verizon Juke

(Link here). It sucks less than I expected. Our first reaction to seeing the commercial was, “That must be impossible for a left-handed person to use.” So when Kyle was given one to review, we called over a left-handed friend. Sure enough, it’s virtually impossible for him to use. There are some other problems: it comes in three colors, and Navy is the only one that’s not hideously ugly. The way you hold it closed (I’m not sure what you do when it’s closed; I couldn’t get it to do anything but it apparently has media features) is upside-down from how it opens. And when it’s open, there are two things on the back: the camera and the antenna. You cover both with your hand. The antenna has a big warning not to do that. But there’s no other way to hold it that’s not incredibly awkward. But otherwise, I was pretty impressed. Despite a tiny keyboard, I could dial fine. And despite a tiny screen, I could see the screen fine. The picture I took seemed to come out okay, once I figured out that it was all black because my hand was covering the lens.

Would I buy one? No way. But would I relentlessly mock someone who had one? Despite what I thought after seeing the commercials, no.

Butterfinger Bars

Pros: Delicious. Great texture.
Cons: I’ve never opened one and not have it spill crumbs all over my lap