Fries With That?

So we just got word that our offer on a house was accepted by the bank. Now it’s time for all the fun stuff! Hopefully it all works out.

6 Comments so far

  1. Matt on July 21st, 2008

    Nice place! (Aside from the fact that all but the first image is out of focus… You’ll have to provide us with some better ones when you move in!)

    I see you did what I’m hoping to do (when someone finally hires me), and took advantage of the ‘slump’ in the housing market to get yourself a nice deal. 🙂 Congrats on the home!

  2. Mr. T on July 21st, 2008

    Very nice. Best of luck with it. Buying a house is usually a good idea.

  3. andrew on July 22nd, 2008

    I don’t know how “bad” (bad for some people — it’s pretty good for us!) it is back east, but out here the house prices have dropped like crazy: we saw some listings in our current neighborhood (where we rent) that were nearly $200,000 less than the last purchase price. That’s gotta hurt.

    (At the same time, it makes you wonder about the actual value of the house and how much the values were inflated over the past few years.)

  4. Mr. T on July 23rd, 2008

    Things are getting pretty bad back east but nothing like you are seeing. If Clark County were not so far from the ocean I’d think about moving. 🙂

  5. Matt on July 23rd, 2008

    For a poker enthusiast such as yourself, though, Clark County may have some other attractions. 😉

    Though I suppose buying a house near a casino is not a good way to keep that house, unless you’re really good?

  6. andrew on July 23rd, 2008

    “Only” ~4 hours from the ocean. And San Diego has some pretty nice beaches.

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