Big Hosting

I tend to think of web hosting in terms of many sites to a server. And that’s how the majority of sites are hosted–there are multiple sites on this one server, and, if it were run by a hosting company and not owned by me, there’d probably be a couple hundred.

But the other end of the spectrum is a single site that takes up many servers. Most any big site is done this way. Google reportedly has tens of thousands. Any busy site has several, if nothing else to do load-balancing.

Lately I’ve become somewhat interested in the topic, and found some neat stuff about this realm of servers. A lot of things are done that I didn’t think were possible. While configuring my router, for example, I stumbled across stuff on CARP. I always thought of routers as a single point of failure: if your router goes down, everything behind it goes down. So you have two (or more) routers in mission-critical setups.

One thing I wondered about was serving up something that had voluminous data. For example, suppose you have a terabyte of data on your website. One technique might be to put a terabyte of drives in every server and do load balancing from there. But putting a terabyte of drives in each machine is expensive, and, frankly, if you’re putting massive storage in one machine, it’s probably huge but slow drives. Another option would be some sort of ‘horizontal partitioning,’ where five (arbitrary) servers each house one-fifth of the data. This reduces the absurdity of trying to stuff a terabyte of storage into each of your servers, but it brings problems of its own. For one, you don’t have any redundancy: if the machine serving sites starting with A-G goes down, all of those sites go down. Plus, you have no idea of how ‘balanced’ it will be. Even if you tried some intricate means of honing which material went where, the optimal layout would be constantly changing.

Your best bet, really, is to have a bunch of web machines, give them minimal storage (e.g., a 36GB SCSI drive–a 15,000 rpm one!), and have a backend fileserver that has the whole terabyte of data. Viewers would be assigned to any of the webservers (either in a round-robin fashion, or dynamically based on which server was the least busy), which would retrieve the requisite file from the fileserver and present it to the viewer. Of course, this places a huge load on the one fileserver. There’s an implicit assumption that you’re doing caching.

But how do you manage the caching? You’d need some complex code to first check your local cache, and then turn to the fileserver if needed. It’s not that hard to write, but it’s also a pain: rather than a straightforward, “Get the file, execute if it has CGI code, and then serve” process, you need the webserver to do some fancy footwork.

Enter Coda. No, not the awesome web-design GUI, but the distributed filesystem. In a nutshell, you have a server (or multiple servers!) and they each mount a partition called /coda, which refers to the network. But, it’ll cache files as needed. This is massively oversimplifying things: the actual use is to allow you to, say, bring your laptop into the office, work on files on the fileserver, and then, at the end of the day, seamlessly take it home with you to work from home, without having to worry about where the files physically reside. So running it just for the caching is practically a walk in the park: you don’t have complicated revision conflicts or anything of the sort. Another awesome feature about Coda is that, by design, it’s pretty resilient: part of the goal with caching and all was to pretty gracefully handle the fileserver going offline. So really, the more popular files would be cached by each node, with only cache misses hitting the fileserver. I also read an awesome anecdote about people running multiple Coda servers. When a disk fails, they just throw in a blank. You don’t need RAID, because the data’s redundant across other servers. With the new disk, you simply have it rebuild the missing files from other servers.

There’s also Lustre, which was apparently inspired by Coda. They focus on insane scalability, and it’s apparently used in some of the world’s biggest supercomputer clusters. I don’t yet know enough about it, really, but one thing that strikes me as awesome is the concept of “striping” across multiple nodes with the files you want.

The Linux HA project is interesting, too. There’s a lot of stuff that you don’t think about. One is load balancer redundancy… Of course you’d want to do it, but if you switched over to your backup router, all existing connections would be dropped. So they keep a UDP data stream going, where the master keeps the spare(s) in the loop on connection states. Suddenly having a new router or load balancer can also be confusing on the network. So if the master goes down, the spare will come up and just start spoofing its MAC and IP to match the node that went down. There’s a tool called heartbeat, whereby standby servers ping the master to see if it’s up. It’s apparently actually got some complex workings, and they recommend a serial link between the nodes so you’re not dependent on the network. (Granted, if the network to the routers goes down, it really doesn’t matter, but having them quarreling over who’s master will only complicate attempts to bring things back up!)

And there are lots of intricacies I hadn’t considered. It’s sometimes complicated to tell whether a node is down or not. But it turns out that a node in ambiguous state is often a horrible state of affairs: if it’s down and not pulled out of the pool, lots of people will get errors. And if other nodes are detecting oddities but it’s not down, something is awry with the server. There’s a concept called fencing I’d never heard, whereby the ‘quirky’ server is essentially shut out by its peers to prevent it from screwing things up (not only may it run away with shared resources, but the last thing you want is a service acting strangely to try to modify your files). The ultimate example of this is STONITH, which sounds like a fancy technical term (and, by definition, now is a technical term, I suppose), but really stands for “Shoot the Other Node in the Head.” From what I gather from the (odd) description, the basic premise is that if members of a cluster suspect that one of their peers is down, they “make it so” by calling external triggers to pull the node out of the network (often, seemingly, to just reboot the server).

I don’t think anyone is going to set up high-performance server clusters based on what someone borderline-delirious blogged at 1:40 in the morning because he couldn’t sleep, but I thought someone else might find this venture into what was, for me, new territory, to be interesting.

One thought on “Big Hosting

  1. Coda appears to have originated from AFS2, which, IIRC, stands for Andrew’s File System, which automatically makes it awesome.

    At work, we’ve used heartbeat to provide automatic fail-over for a persistent PHP process. It works brilliantly. And I think we’re now using it for the two MySQL HA systems we’ve brought online recently.

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