
Yesterday was, for all intents and purposes, a snow day. They closed the school down at 1. Of course, I had no classes anyway, just some work that could be done anywhere. But this was a snow day. You don’t do work. At least, not the work you’re supposed to.

Kyle, always being curious about the hardware side of things, sent me a link to the RoomWizard downloads page after fishing out the hardware specs elsewhere. There were two things that interested me–one was that you could download a firmware image. The other was that they had a PDF of how to use their API.

Wait… API? That means… it’d be trivial to write an interface to these things!

The problem is that the manual never mentions the actual address of the API, which is just accessed over HTTP and returns XML. They give a few examples–/rwconnector is used most often. But alas, /rwconnector on these throws a 404.

Somewhat discouraged, I started poking around the firmware image. It’s a .tar.gz, and extracts… a (fairly) normal Linux filesystem. Besides some juicy stuff that I hope admins are instructed to change (there are several privileged user accounts), I also found some neat stuff. For one, it’s based on SuSE, but a very trimmed-down version. And it’s basically a full-functioning Linux machine, including an SMTP server, Apache Tomcat, etc.

But then I hit gold. There’s a configuration file for Tomcat, which mentions one URL of /Connector. So I fired it up and tried it in on one of the systems. Bingo!

So then I read a bit more of the API manual. It’s actually very simple–you can retrieve, edit, and delete bookings. (The edit and booking doesn’t let you do anything you can’t do via the web interface, by the way, lest anyone think this is a security flaw.) You get an XML document back with results.

So then I had to figure out how to get PHP to parse XML. It turns out that PHP actually has several ways to do it, including SimpleXML and DOM objects. I spent a while learning it and by the end of the day, I had a prototype working that would get reservations for the next 24 hours and parse out the information. (Small tip–don’t try to “escape” colons when dealing with XML. They denote a namespace. When you get rb:name, for example, the tag name is just name, in the rb namespace. Knowing this a little sooner would have saved me about half an hour of, “This code is so simple! Why doesn’t it work?!”)

The next step is to insert all of this into an SQL database, and then write a nice viewer for it. And also to experiment with adding bookings, although that should just require changing a line of code.

I haven’t actually written code to do timing, but it feels like it’s 1-2 seconds for me to get the XML data back, which suggests that the bottleneck is in its little database. Short-term, I want to write myself a little interface that will parse all the data, cache it, and give me a faster interface. Long-term, I want to try to see if I can get the library to adopt this, and have it be the booking mechanism. You can store them to a local database, and then have a background process use the API to push reservations out to the respective RoomWizards, so that they continue to function normally. But when people view the page, it’ll just get it all from the local database, meaning that the whole “Get the listings via API” thing is no longer necessary. (Unless you want to rebuild the database in case of a disk failure!)

One thought on “Dork

  1. The firm in which I work has tasked me with finding an efficient and fast way to manage these things, since they are SO slow. I’m thankful that you posted this (two years ago). There’s not much else on Google about the RoomWizard API. This post has saved my life. It should be pretty straight forward now to create a makeshift “proxy” that can push and pull meeting info. Thanks!!

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