
I guess I’m supporting Obama. He was pretty high up on my list, but I hadn’t necessarily made up my mind yet. But between marching in the parade with his campaign and attending a session with him today, I guess the choice is made. But boy, it’s the right one.

I didn’t ask any questions, but he answered some of mine anyway. He wants, for example, to get out of Iraq. He’s not a pacifist: he suggests that we should have some troops in places where the Taliban is. I went in with my big worry being that he really doesn’t have the experience to lead the country. I left convinced, beyond any doubt, that he’s the right man for the job. You have to hear him speak: in addition to concluding that he’s the right man person (wouldn’t want to exclude Hillary) for the job, I left today with a sense of hope. It’s really hard to describe. You’ve just got to hear him.

We ended up in a nearly-perfect spot for photos. (For a little bit I was literally rubbing elbows with a newspaper photographer. It was neat to see how he worked; two cameras with different lenses [one is one of the newer Canon DSLRs with the huge screens]. The cameras have a nice high frame rate, so he was snapping several photos a second. At one point, he wanted some photos from above, so he just held the camera above his head, held down the shutter, and moved it around. In a few seconds’ time, he probably ended up with about 30 pictures, at least one of which, by sheer chance, had to have been good.)

Anyway! I’ve put many of them up on Flickr, but I’ll go over some highlights here.

To start with, on the way in, we drove by WMUR’s studios. They need to send a gardener up onto their roof. Is that thing an antenna overgrown with vines?


We also passed this creepy building:
Spooky Building

When he was first walking out, everyone was clamoring for a view, and all the photographers, casual or pro, were desperate to get a shot. I snagged this one, and was pretty proud of myself:

Obama in Crowd

After everyone took their seats, though, I think we all realized that everyone could see fine. We were standing right behind the last seats, so I had a great view:

The Beginning

The crowd was much bigger than that photo suggests. Here’s a better one:


He’s so happy! I think that’s one of the things that people like about him so much, even if no one mentions it. While other politicians talk about how we’re all going to die in the upcoming terrorist attacks, Obama, as one of the parade chants went, spreads hope and cheer:

Speaking with a Grin

He had several security people sitting in the front row. I wonder who they were with. Are they a private firm? Secret Service? State Police?


He took a lot of time—probably at least half the total time—for questions. One guy didn’t really ask anything, as much as mention that America shouldn’t be about dynasties, and talked about the Bush dynasty and the threat of a Clinton dynasty. The guy then sang a song, which was actually really good, and got a great response from the crowd. And Obama:


The questions were good. One woman, probably in her mid 20s, talked about how she’d been forced into bankruptcy after a slew of medical bills for surgery. And Senator Obama listened to her, and seemed to even care, something that truly seems unusual in politicians.


This isn’t that great a photo, but here’s another significant question-asker:


He introduced himself as a Vietnam vet, which drew applause. He then explained all the trouble he’s had with health care and hospital bills; I don’t want to put words in his mouth, but I think it’s fair to say that he felt that the nation he’d defended didn’t really care about him anymore. Senator Obama mentioned that he was troubled because he was hearing that throughout the country.

5 thoughts on “Obama!

  1. By the way, the full set is here if you’re interested.

    The Students for Obama blog has an interesting article citing comparisons one of JFK’s former advisors has made comparing JFK and Obama. It sounds kind of over-the-top, I have to admit, but it does raise some good points; besides, it’s not the Obama camp making the comparison.

  2. Comparing someone to JFK is almost bound to turn me off from the candidate. I was never very impressed with him as a president or as a person. I think he managed to project an impression that was much better than the reality. One hopes that Obama is more reality than that.

  3. I don’t think that’s what they meant. (And I’m sure that JFK’s adviser had a different impression of the Kennedy family than you do.) I view so many politicians today as curmudgeonly people droning on about catastrophes, about how they’ll try to make our tomorrow marginally less bleak, and how they’re a little less unfit than the other guys.

    And then along comes someone with a youthful wave of enthusiasm and optimism; someone who thinks that there’s still hope for this country of ours; someone who takes the time to talk to people (as opposed to cameras); someone who actually takes the time to listen to those people.

    And I think that’s the point they were trying to make; it wasn’t a commentary on his policies. (And, again, it was someone from the Kennedy crowd, not an Obama person, making that comment, so it’s not a hubris-laden, “I’m as good as JFK” thing.)

  4. Oh no doubt they were trying to highlight the illusion of JFK and to make Obama look good. It is just that for me bringing up JFK bring up memories of screwed up international policy (Cuba was a fluke caused more by macho than by wisdom) like Viet Nam. JFK messed up in Viet Nam in ways that make Bush look like a really smart person. And of course there was JFK’s attitude towards and abuse of women. THe man makes Clinton look chaste.

    JFK was image over substance. Sure he was upbeat and positive. It was a carefully cultivated image. He was no man of the people but was as manufactured a candidate as any we have today. Frankly I am much more impressed with Al Gore or Dan Quayle.

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