More Photos

So yesterday I went into Boston to take some pictures, and last night I brought out the tripod and did some long exposures. The 10D shines at night exposures: a lot of cameras get very noisy on long exposures. This one was clean as a whistle. (A saying which really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me?)


Note that the martians above the library to the right of the clocktower are actually just the crappy UV filter on the lens reflecting light.

300D Test Shot

That’s with the other camera, the 300D, that I’m trying to sell.

State House & Gen'l Hooker

General Hooker outside the Mass Statehouse. (Note that there’s strong evidence that he didn’t inspire the slang term for prostitutes: “hooker” was in use before he came to fame.)

Boston Skyline

Shot out the window the T, and now my background.

Zero Church

A church in Cambridge. I’m not sure why I like this shot so much.

It’s just awesome to take pictures and have them come out alright! (Although, really, I still have some practicing to do… I have an awful lot of unpublished bloopers, too.)

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