
You are a nutjob if:

  • You refer to government conspiracies. (Actually, let me qualify that. You refer to government conspiracies without showing compelling evidence.)
  • You refer to “the homosexual agenda” or use the word “infiltrated” to refer to homosexuals.
  • You believe income tax / the IRS are illegal, and/or have voted to abolish them.
  • Most of your savings are in some format other than, err, money. (I suppose there’s some logic here, if the economy were to utterly crumble. But if the economy utterly crumbles, who wants your gold / rubies?)
  • You are an anarchist. (This is 100% irrelevant to supporting smaller government, which is far from being a nutjob. I’m talking people who truly think we should have no government at all.)
  • You vote to permit torture.
  • You support an immediate and complete withdrawal from Iraq.
  • You support staying in Iraq indefinitely with no exit plan.
  • Your plan for ‘solving’ illegal immigration consists primarily of “build a really big fence.”
  • Your plan for ‘solving’ illegal immigration consists primarily of deporting all illegal immigrants.
  • You write an “erotic fantasy” novel about police officers being gunned down.

2 thoughts on “Nutjobs

  1. I was doing so well until I read “You support an immediate and complete withdrawal from Iraq.” I want the troops out as fast as humanly possible for their own safety. Let the Iraqis fix their own country. Nothing is going to get stable there until we leave.

  2. I’m a little split about that one. We need to get out of there fast. But I’m not sure that leaving tonight is the answer. Pulling out soon? Absolutely. We just need a plan for how we’re going to hand things over and get out.

    I’m of half a mind that we’ve screwed things up so badly that we need to keep some people to fix what we’ve broken. But mostly I agree–let’s get out.

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