Cutting the clutter in my blog reading

Something bad happened to the RSS reader I have been using for several years now. It just will not run. Why? No idea. It happened once before and I recovered the data from an old backup and installed on a different computer because no amount of reinstalling would fix it. But that is not important.

What is important was that this time I decided to start with a new online reading tool and restart what blogs I follow from scratch. I was following hundreds of blogs. Really – hundreds. I got a lot out of them but it was time consuming. I just could not bring myself to prune the list.

So today I added all the blogs of people I work with, all the computer science education blogs on my blog role, and a handful of other top education related blogs. Total is less than thirty. I’m sure I will add more over time but perhaps this time I can keep it to a more manageable level.

Though honestly I worry a bit about missing something. Hope I get over it.

2 Responses to “Cutting the clutter in my blog reading”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Alfred Thompson, Alfred Thompson. Alfred Thompson said: New blog post: – Cutting the clutter in my blog reading […]

  2. I know the feeling. My reader has approximately 290 feeds in it. I know I can’t read all of them all of the time, so I group them and read down the list in groups, with an occasional dip down into another group. It all depends on my mood.

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