Playing around with creating tags that can be read by smart phones. Information on the tool at or go to from your web enabled phone. US only right now. What phones? From the FAQ:
The Microsoft Tag Reader is available for most smartphones and many feature phones. It is available on Windows Mobile, J2ME, iPhone, Blackberry, and Symbian S60 phones. Of course, your phone needs a camera and it must have Internet-access. A detailed list of all supported phones is available and new phones will be added over time.
Links to my vCard online.
Links to my other blog.
Isn’t this like QR codes, which are all the rage in Japan? (What isn’t?)
Though I’ll grant that Microsoft’s are more colorful.
Yeah I think it is something like the QR codes. The US is always late to this sort of thing.
Cheers for all the help and tips, Symbian can be funny, imagiane if we had to do this kind of thing with Windows!