CSS Fixed

For months there was a really thin, really-light-grey line running down the middle of the page. I was finally able to figure out where it was coming from and get rid of it. (It was a background image, ~1200 pixels wide, with a single grey dot at the right to give the thin line… It was all well and good until I dropped one of the two columns, but I never could trace it down.)

I still consider the main page half-finished; I’d like to get the ‘table of contents’ thing back up and running, as well as make the bottom of the page actually function like I’ve always hoped it would. (Although it’s really not handy to have these things at the very bottom?) And it’s a behind-the-scene thing, but it’s what I do for a living: I want to rework the main page’s code to not rely on memcache. It’s served its role well, but I have 1 MB of RAM (down from 16MB!) devoted to caching about 1KB worth of configuration and cached elements that really don’t need to be forcibly held in RAM anyway. I’m already running APC (which already has a hitrate in the high 90s), so I can just make use of that. (Really, the code for the main page is a set of hacks built upon other hacks, and then I went in and hacked those hacked-hacks to behave differently… For what’s really a simple function, I think it’s time for a rewrite.)

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