On the Auto Bailout Failure

I had mixed feelings on the auto bailout. We have to stop bailing everyone out after years of ineptitude. (Why has American auto failed to give us a hybrid that isn’t a gas-guzzling SUV?) And as far as Democrats go, I’m not terribly pro-union: they started to help get employees some basic rights, but I think they sometimes go too far.

There were lots of reasons not to bail out the industry. And the CEOs with their corporate jets and lack of a plan didn’t help.

But refusing to agree to the bailout because American employees make too much money? That’s a new one. And the claim that they make an average of $75 an hour? Have you ever seen Detroit? I’m not sure anyone there makes $150,000 a year. I am pretty sure, though, that there are a lot of people who don’t make $15,000 a year.

But at the end of the day, I’ve got my trusty Toyota. I just feel bad that Detroit is going from bad to worse, and that Congress has officially decreed that it doesn’t care.

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