The Thing with Abortion

I tend to sit the abortion debate out, since it ultimately comes down to when you believe human life begins. Despite what some try to paint it as, I’m not sure there’s anyone who thinks that, at 8.5 months old, the baby isn’t a baby. (And, in fact, Roe v. Wade doesn’t allow abortions then.)

But a few points that drive me crazy:

  • The President can’t overturn Roe v. Wade, since Presidential powers don’t include overturning Supreme Court cases.
  • We’ve had what many consider to be a very conservative President for 8 years. Roe v. Wade stands.
  • Some conservatives are freaking out about how Obama is “the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president.” Besides the fact that I’m not sure where he’s getting his facts, what could Obama do? Allow third-trimester abortions? Allow abortions three months after birth? All he could really do would be to keep status quo, which has been in place for something like 20 years.

My point isn’t that women should or shouldn’t have the right to have abortions. My point is that 98% of people who talk about the issue don’t seem to get it. Abortion isn’t really up to the President. Abortion is legal (within some sane boundaries). And, after eight years of conservative rule, abortion not only remains legal, but it hasn’t even been challenged. So before you go praising or condemning Obama (or any other politican) for their stance on the issue, consider whether they’re really any different than the status quo.

One thought on “The Thing with Abortion

  1. What the president CAN do is appoint people to the Supreme Court. Pro-abortion people were afraid that Bush would appoint people who would limit abortion. Ah, which I guess he might just have done. Anti-abortion people are afraid that Obama will not appoint anti-abortion people and that he might appoint people who would expand legal abortions. The Supreme Court is one worry that I take very seriously when looking at candidates.

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