It turns out that, right after 9/11, Iran was a big ally of the US. Let me say that again*: Iran rounded up hundreds of suspected al Qaeda members for us right after 9/11. They notifed the UN and us, and let us come in and interrogate them. And they “sought a broader relationship with the United States.”
But Bush just kept referring to them as the “axis of evil” and refused to work with them.
Iran has rapidly been becoming a menace. But how did they go from an ally looking to strengthen ties with us, to an enemy who hates us and is seeking to acquire nuclear weapons?
Why, exactly, is it a bad thing that Obama has said he’d be willing to meet with Iranian leaders? It sounds like it’s exactly what we need to do: not only might Iran still be willing to work with us, but the article goes on to talk about how a US-Iranian alliance could be useful in the area.
- Thinly-veiled reference to Joe Biden fully intended.
W is an idiot. Wait who hijacked my account?