
I signed up for Twitter a long time ago. The box says “What are you doing?,” and I assumed it was for your status. The novelty of posting, “Washing the car” and “Folding my laundry” wore off very quickly, though, so I didn’t stay long. The site seemed like a laughable concept, and something that only egomaniacs who assumed people wanted many daily updates on them would use.

In actuality, I’ve found that it’s not literally your “status.” Think of it more as a one-line blog. I don’t post often (for now, at least), but I’m following a handful of people. (My Twitter feed, and the people I follow.) “People I follow” is a bit of a misnomer, actually: I’m following a few political campaigns and a few news outlets, along with a few real people. It’s actually being used somewhat like the “info bar” I just blogged about wanting: NY Times posts some news articles, for example. (They say it’s more for “breaking news,” thought given that the most recent story there is about a museum buying the building next to it, I’d refer them to my post on what Breaking News means.)

I think I’m going to keep the Twitter app up most of them I’m at my computer. Anyone got any good suggestions?

One thought on “Twitter

  1. I use Twhirl and keep it open pretty much all the time. I follow about 150 people and about 160 follow me. I’m not sure I’m that interesting but I do find most of the people who activily Tweet fairly interesting. Looks like I’ve made about 1,300 updates which surprises me. Most people say it takes a month or two to really get Twitter. At this point I am enjoying it myself.

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