Just for the fun of it I was taking a series of poll questions at Microsoft’s Microphone application on Facebook this afternoon and all of a sudden this question came up and I was stumped.
Do you consider yourself primarily a:
- Gamer
- Programmer
- Computer Scientist
- Artist
- Technology Hobbyist
- IT professional
And I didn’t know. Clearly not gamer or artist. IT professional? What does that even mean today? I work for a computer company but not really in an IT role. And while I have done that it never defined me. So that’s out.
These leaves technology hobbyist which feels ok but not quite. And then programmer and computer scientist. I want to say computer scientist. I really do. But do I reach that bar or am I “just” a well educated programmer? I think I would have to answer computer scientist but admit that this is as much aspirational as actual. And I have to think about how I define computer scientist.
So where do you see yourself?
All of the above!
A little of each?
I think a lot of us see ourselves as some or all of the above but the question was “primarily.” I could easily stack rank them all but picking just one primary is harder.